For a few years now, the association La Ronde des Quartiers de Bordeaux has been careful to place its events under the sign of respect for the environment. And the Epicuriales do not break the rule. Convinced by the sustainable development policies initiated by the public authorities, the members of the association are working in this direction with the mayor of Bordeaux. The latter is committed to maintaining the site and its surroundings in an exemplary state of cleanliness and managing the flows and discharges selectively.

The association also encourages restaurateurs and users to respect their environment by making use of the means at their disposal. In the kitchen, she takes the opportunity to promote eco-responsible consumption by promoting local products, benefiting from an eco-label and making sure to limit the purchase of overpackaged products.

Without forgetting the organizer, AMG Production, which is inspired by the Municipal Charter of urban ecology and sustainable development of the city of Bordeaux to reduce its production of waste, to sensitize the exhibitors and the visitors to the selective sorting and to limit the consumption energy. It facilitates, also, the soft modes of transport. The event, located in the city center, is easily accessible on foot or by public transport.

Sister chromatids of each replicated chromosome remain attached.